Sunday, 18 February 2018

펀 자브 국민 은행 외환 카드 요금

Punjab National Fixed Deposit Rate. 온라인으로 2 분 이내에 무료 신용 점수를 확인하십시오. 여기를 클릭하십시오. Punjab National Bank 고정 예금 이자율 - 인도에서 FD 율 고정 예금 FD 계정은 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 저축 및 투자 옵션으로 돈 고정 된 기간 동안 입금 될 수 있습니다. 입금 된 원금에 따라 고정이자가 발생합니다. 이자율이 일반 저축 예금보다 높기 때문에 일반적으로 투자 옵션으로 사용됩니다. 고정 예금 계좌에 입금하는 것이 일반적이었습니다 인디언 오랜 시간 동안 이것은 안정적인 투자 수익을 보장하고 변동성 및 시장 위험으로부터 자유 롭다는 사실에 기인합니다. 보통 예금은 보통 7 일에서 최대 기간은 10 년입니다. 경우에 따라 일부 은행에서는 보증금을 더 오래 보관할 수 있습니다. 보증금이 만기가되면 은행은 적립 된이자와 함께 원금을 지불합니다. 은행 계좌는 FD가 열릴 때 신청서에 명시되어 있습니다. 이자율은 인도의 각 은행에 의해 결정되며 일반적으로 연 4 ~ 8입니다. 유휴 자금이있는 경우 FD에 투자하는 것이 안전합니다 옵션 좋은 소식은 FD를 열면 간단하고 문서화 과정 자체가 번거롭지 않고 간단하다는 것입니다. 은행, NBFC 및 회사의 일부도 고정 예금을 제공합니다. Punjab National Bank Deposit Rates. 이전에 언급했듯이 지불 이자율 고정 예금의 경우 입금액, 기간 및 발행 은행에 따라 다릅니다. 일반적으로 은행은 예금 기간이 길수록 이자율이 높습니다. 그러나 은행은 이자율이 낮을수록 이자율이 낮을 수 있습니다. punjab National Bank의 이자율은 일반적으로 연간 4-8 건입니다. Punjab National Bank FD rates. Flowing은 Punjab 국립 은행 정기 예탁금 및 Punjab National Bank Short-Term의 개요입니다. 고정 예금 금리. 펀 자브 국립 은행 금리 (고정 예금 2015 년 2016 년).이 금리는 언제든지 바뀔 수 있으며 은행의 단독 재량에 따라 변경 될 수 있음을 명심하십시오. 최신 금리는 다음으로 확인하십시오. Punjab National Bank에 직접 지불해야합니다. 단일 국내 정기 예금 및 최대 Rs의 NRE 정기 예금에 대한 이자율. Cr. 펀 자브 국립 은행 FD 고령자를위한 이자율. 고령 시민의 예금은 노인에게 그 여분의 완충액을 제공하도록 고안되었습니다. 펀 자브 (Punjab National Bank)는 일반적인 고령자 FD 요율 (FD)을 일반적으로 FD에 적용되는 요율보다 약간 높습니다. 펀 자브 (Punjab)에 대해서는 위의 표를 참조하십시오. National Bank Senior Citizen FD rate. Punjab National Bank 고정 예금이자 계산 방법. 사용하기 쉬운 FD 계산기가있는 많은 온라인 웹 사이트가 있습니다. ca n 온라인 리소스를 사용하여 원금에서 얼마나 많은 이익을 얻을 수 있는지 확인하십시오. 온라인 FD 계산기를 사용하면 손쉽게 계산할 수 있습니다. FD 계산기는 원금 금액에 대한 정확한 수익 추정을 즉시 제공합니다. 귀하가 얻은이자를 계산할 수있는 여러 온라인 웹 사이트입니다. 계산기를 사용하는 동안 은행의 최신 이자율을 참조 할 수 있습니다. 온라인 자원을 사용하면 투자하려는 금액을 결정하는 데 도움이됩니다. 최종 만기 금액을 확인하는 데 도움이됩니다. 이자 및 만기 금액을 다음 공식을 사용하여 계산하십시오. IDBI FD Rate. A 만기 값 P Principal Amount. r 이자율 T 이자율 이자율 연도 수 n 복합 이자율 빈도. I Interest Earned. Punjab National Bank FD 조기 만기 처벌. 만기일 전에 FD에서 자금을 인출 할 수는 없지만, 은행은이 자금을 인출 할 수 있습니다. FD를 신청할 때 은행에 일반적으로 명목 처벌을 부과합니다. 또는 당좌 대월 시설을 선택할 수 있습니다. Punjab National Bank FD FAQs. 고정 기간은 얼마입니까? 고정 예금의 최소 기간은 7 일이며 특정 종류의 FD 제도의 경우 최대 179 일이 소요될 수 있습니다. PNB의 고정 예금을 개설하는 데 필요한 최소 금액은 얼마입니까? 고정 예금의 최소 금액 펀 자브 국립 은행과 함께 FD를 개설 할 자격이있는 사람은 누구입니까? 고정 예금 계좌는 개인, 회사 명, 회사, 단체, 파트너십 회사, 개인 및 공공 유한 회사, 클럽 등 2 명 이상이 공동으로 개설 할 수 있습니다. 연금을받을 자격이있는 사람은 누구야? 60 세 이상인 인도 시민권자는 노인 정기 예금 개설 자격이 있습니다. DDS는 FD 계좌에서 공제됩니다. TDS는 규칙에 따라 적용됩니다. 인증서 Mantri는 CreditMantri Finserve Private Limited의 등록 상표입니다. All Rights Reserved Credit Mantri에서 소개되거나 언급 된 제품 이름, 로고, 브랜드 및 기타 상표는 해당 상표권자의 재산입니다. 신용 마스터 리가 생성되었습니다. 귀하의 신용 상태를 책임지고 더 나은 차용 결정을 내리는 데 도움을줍니다. 모든 신용 프로필을 가진 고객 - 신용에 처음이고 문제가있는 사람들과 이미 즐기는 사람들이 거의 없거나 존재하지 않는 사람 건강한 프로필 신용을 찾고 있다면, 우리는 당신이 그것을 찾을 수 있는지 확인하고 그것이 당신과 가장 잘 어울리는 지 확인합니다. 어떻게 당신을 도울까요? 우리는 당신의 신용 점수를 즉시, 온라인, 실시간으로 얻을 수있게합니다. 귀하의 신용 점수를 온라인으로 제공하고 귀하의 CIBIL 또는 Equifax 보고서에 대한 무료 신용 상태 분석을 제공합니다. 분석을 바탕으로, 우리는 당신이 대출 및 신용 카드를 귀하의 신용 정보를 파악하십시오 귀하의 신용 정보, 신용 정보를 이해하도록 도와드립니다. CIR을보고 귀하의 현 위치를 알 수 있습니다. 귀하의 모든 신용 요구 사항을 원 스톱으로 제공합니다. 다양한 금융 상품을 찾아보고 비교할 수 있도록합니다. 시장에서 무료 및 사용자 친화적 인 온라인 도구에 액세스하고 신속한 승인을 통해 스트레스없는 신청 프로세스를 즐기십시오. 귀하가 신청 한 대출 또는 신용 카드에 대한 승인을 얻기 위해 더 나은 기회를 갖도록하십시오. 귀하의 신용 정보에 대한 대출 기관의 기준 우리는 귀하의 자격을 신중하게 결정하고 귀하를 적합한 대출 기관과 일치시킴으로써 귀하가 대출 거절을 피할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 우리는 대출 기관과 대출 기관이 투명한 공통점을 갖도록 보장하는 최첨단 데이터 과학 기술 플랫폼을 통해 자신의 결정을 내립니다. 우리는 귀하의 데이터를 최대한 기밀로 취급하며 다른 누구와도 공유하거나 판매하지 않습니다. 그것은 우리의 신용 보증입니다. 헌신적이고 동급 최고의 고객 서비스는 귀하의 신용 여행의 모든 ​​단계에서 귀하를 지원하기 위해 1 ~ 2 마일 더 가야합니다. 우리의 행복한 고객은 우리의 최고의 평가입니다. 신용 Mantri는 신용 분석 및 무료 신용 점수를위한 1 개 사이트가 아닙니다 온라인으로 귀하의 신용 목표를 통제하고 재정상의 자유를 여는 것을 도와 드리겠습니다 .2017 CreditMantri. Unswer queries. Login and Logging (도움이 필요합니다.) 아래에 귀하의 질의를 게시하십시오. 모든 서면 질의는 1 근무일 이내에 응답됩니다. 우리는 d 그 길을 따라 모든 단계를 통해 당신을 도울 사랑. 우리 사무실 주소 신용 Mantri Finserv 사립 제한 4 층 Sudhama, 36 Vijayaraghava 도로, T Nagar, 첸나이, 타밀 나두 600017. 펀 자브 국립 은행. 이사 보고서 2015 16. FY16 동안, Rs 9 65 lakh crore 국내 비즈니스, Rs 5 50 lakh crore 글로벌 예금, Rs 4 00 lakh crore Net Advances, Rs 2 00 lakh crore CASA 예금 및 Rs 12,000 crore Operat 이익을 창출합니다. A 은행의 글로벌 비즈니스는 3 월 16 일과 같이 매년 9.5의 성장을 반영하여 655 만 루피에 도달했습니다. 은행의 국제 사업은 1,12,123 루피 수준으로 전년 대비 성장을 기록했습니다 of 11 2 5,553 lakh crore의 세계 예금이 10 3 증가한 반면, Net Advances는 2016 년 3 월 31 일에 Rs 4 12 lakh crore에 도달하기 위해 8 4의 성장을 기록했습니다. 결론 변수에 관해서는, 영업 이익은 3 월 15 일 31,151 달러에서 3 월 31 일로 12,216 달러로 증가했다. 주요 비율의 경우, 3 월 16 일 종료 된 2 년 동안의 국내 순이자 마진은 국유 은행 중 가장 높은 수준에 머물렀다. 고려 대상 기간 11 28에있는 은행의 CRAR은 규정 된 규제 요건을 능가합니다. 귀하의 이사는 2015 년에 대한 은행의 연례 보고서를 감사하고 연례 재무 제표와 함께 기탁합니다. B 운영상의 주요 사항 . 은행은 Indradhanush라는 새로운 전략적 접근법을 구현하여 인도 은행 업무 공간에서 경쟁이 치열 해짐에 따라 적응, 진화 및 번영 할 수 있도록 은행의 일곱 가지 주요 개혁 분야를 차트로 나타냅니다. 이 7 가지 영역은 인력 개발, CASA 소매업 증가 신용 성장, NPA 관리, 고객 서비스 향상, 디지털 PNB 및 소득 통제 지출 증가를 통해 CD 비율 향상 은행은이 분야에서 상당한 발전을 이루었습니다. People Development를 위해 Bank는 PNB Univ라는 새로운 모바일 앱 기반 e 학습 플랫폼을 출시했습니다. 데스크톱 또는 랩톱을 통한 웹 기반 액세스 외에도 모든 주요 모바일 플랫폼에서 사용할 수 있으므로 고품질 교육 과정에 신속하게 액세스하고 24x7 고급 교육을받을 수 있습니다 손바닥 위로. 새로 채용 된 젊고 활기차고 기술에 정통한 직원들의 잠재력을 극대화하기 위해 은행은 PNB Navodaya라는 탑승 멘토링 프로그램을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 직원들의 활력을 은행 발전에 채널 화하고 이들을 브랜드 홍보 대사로 변화 시키는데 도움이 될 것입니다. 비즈니스 성장 및 조직 목표. 지속적으로 우수한 고객 경험을 보장하고 변화하는 고객의 기대에 부응하기 위해 은행은 다음과 같은 혁신적인 디지털 제품 및 솔루션을 출시했습니다. PNB ATM Assist 고객이 PNB ATM을 찾을뿐만 아니라 싱글 터치 뱅킹을 제공하기 위해 ATM에 관련된 불만 사항. PNB MobiEase Mobile 앱. PNB Sleep Easy 인터넷 뱅킹 및 모바일 뱅킹 암호를 비활성화하고 다시 활성화하려면. 그린 핀 (Green PIN) 고객이 SMS 요청을 통해 직불 카드에 대한 중복 PIN을 즉시 입수 할 수 있도록합니다. 온라인 PPF 및 RD 계좌 개설 시설. 회사 웹 사이트를 통해 인도 어디서나 로커 시설을 온라인으로 예약 할 수 있습니다. 또한 은행은 모바일 뱅킹 은행은 소셜 미디어에 브랜드 PNB를 강화하고 비용 효율적인 방법으로 고객과 소통하기 위해 Twitter 및 LinkedIn과 같은 소셜 네트워킹 사이트에 자사의 입지를 등록했습니다. 운영 프로세스를 개선하기 위해 은행은 CBS 데이터베이스를 M9000 서버에서 새로운 Sparc 슈퍼 클러스터 M6 32 서버로 성공적으로 마이그레이션했습니다. 이로 인해 은행은 인도에서 4 노드 활성 RAC Real Application Cluster 설치를 구현 한 최초의 은행이되었습니다. 은행은 모바일 앱을 통한 자금 이체를 허용하는 PNB Unified Payments Interface UPI를 도입하고 있으며, 거래를하기 위해 다른 은행과 함께 개설 된 계좌를 포함하여 모든 계좌를 연결하고 가맹점이 모바일 POS를 통해 대체 POS 현금 송금으로 거래를하도록 돕고 있습니다. 회복을 위해 은행은 본사에 워 룸 (War Room)을 만들어 24 시간 내내 NPA 모니터링을 체계적으로 수행합니다. 카드 기반 거래 서비스를 제공하기 위해 Business Correspondent 지점에 Micro ATM이 도입되었습니다. Bank는 Micro ATM을 통해 현금 입금을 시작한 은행 업계 최초의 은행이되었습니다. 국가 전체에 걸쳐 금융 인식을 확산시키기 위해 은행은 Vitiya Jan Chetna Abhiyan을 기각했습니다. 이 프로그램은 또한 Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Atal Pension Yojana, Mudra Loans, Pradhan Mantri Jeewan Jyoti Yojana 및 Pradhan Mantri에 대한 인식 제고에 중점을 둡니다. Pradhan Mantri Jan Suraksha Yojana. 여성 발달을 위해 은행은 PNB Vanita 금융 계획, PNB PoWer 저축 및 Mahila Kaushal Vikas Yojna와 같은 새로운 계획을 수립했습니다. FY16 기간 동안, 은행은 32 명의 Akshaya 지점을 출범 시켰으며 여성 고객만을 위해 여성이 독점적으로 관리했습니다. 재무부는 인도 정부가 Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana PMJDY 계정을 통해 동원 된 예금 은행 중 첫 번째 은행으로 PNB를 선언했다고 밝혔다. C ASSET QUALITY. 은행의 총 NPA는 FY FY15 Rs 55,818 cro 25,695 crore, Net NPA는 FY16 회계 연도에 35,423 루에 해당했다. FY15 15,396 crore FY16 FY15 6 55에서 Gross NPA 비율은 12 90에 있었고 Net NPA 비율은 FY FY 16 회계 연도에 8 61 15 4 06. 스트레스를받은 자산의 축적은 은행의 관심사로 남았습니다. 은행은 자산의 질을 향상시키기 위해 연체율 및 신선한 미끄러짐을 체포하기위한 다양한 조치를 시작했습니다. 모든 NPA에서 계정 특정 해결 전략을 실행하고 진행 상황을 정기적으로 모니터링했습니다 미해결 인민위원회 (NPAs)에서의 일일 진행 현황 10 lakh 이상을 모니터링하여 최고 경영진 앞에 두었다. 차용자와 일대일 회의를 통해 협상 된 타협안을 타협하는 것이 또 다른 중요한 전략으로 채택되었다. 태클 NPAs 은행은 또한 NPA 해결을 위해 독점적으로 기능하는 17 개의 자산 복구 관리 분지 ARMB를 가지고 있습니다. FY16 기간에 취해진 활동들. 주거용, 산업용 및 기타 여러 카테고리의 부동산이 판매 된 두 번의 대규모 매매 캠페인이 조직되었습니다 광범위한 홍보를 통해 매출액이 증가했으며 연중 상당한 회복세를 보였습니다. 은행은 SARFAESI 조치의 전 과정을 능률화하기 위해 주도적으로 노력했습니다 FY16 동안, 적절한 조치와 주요 스트레스를 제공함으로써 지원 기관의 도움을 받거나 이사를 통해 부동 부동산 IP를 물리적으로 소유 할 때 엄격한 후속 조치가 수행되었습니다 DMM CMM 이전에 적용 은행의 실제 소유 자산 비율이 증가하여 메가 세일 캠페인에서 더 많은 경매로 이어졌습니다. FY16 동안, NPAs의 상승 수준을 해결하기 위해 사용할 수있는 또 다른 옵션은 ARC에 판매를위한 어려운 계정을 두어 사용되었습니다. 그 결과, R 1835 crore의 뛰어난 계정을 가진 15 개의 계정이 ARC에 판매되었습니다. 또한 Circle Office FGMO는 FY15 년도에 16 회계 연도 동안 더 많은 합의를 이끌어 낸 차용자 및 보증인들과 대화를 나눴습니다. 또한 은행은 Willious Defaulters를 식별하고 연방 준비 은행 인도 가이드 라인에 따르면, Willful Default의 행위를 저지른 것으로 밝혀진 다양한 차용자에게 통지가 내려졌습니다. 그 결과, FY16 기간 동안 904 명의 차용인이 마침내 의지가있는 불의의 사람으로 선언되었습니다. FY 16 년 동안, 6898 Rin Mukti Shivirs에서 Rs 742 98 crore의 현금 회수는 1,16825 개 계좌에서 이루어졌고 Rs 1224 50 crore의 잔액 미결제로 49,702 개 계좌의 업그레이드가 이루어졌습니다. 따라서 1967 년 48 crore의 NPAs가이 shivir에서 해결되었습니다 . OTS는 NPA의 신속한 해결을위한 제품으로 판매되었으며 84104 계정의 OTS가 승인되었습니다. 잘 정의 된 복구 정책을 통해 협상 된 합의를 통해 승인 된 OTS 경우에 복구되었습니다. 위의 강조된 이니셔티브와 복구 및 업그레이드를위한 후속 조치로 인해, 은행은 FY16 기간에 누락 된 계정에서 Rs 4724 58 crore를 회수했습니다. 총액 1381 66 crore의 총 미 지불 잔액이 31 03 15에있는 NPA 계정은 Standard 카테고리 Total NPA 계좌의 현금 회수액은 4261 루피에 이른다. 회계 연도 16 동안, 은행은 기술 채무 상환을 포함하여 이전에 기각 된 회계 계정에서 RBS 2296 95 만을 회수했다. 산업 구조 조정. 은행의 표준 구조 조정 진보는 R 산업 재활 (Industrial Rehabilitation). 은행은 부채 구조 조정에 의해 산업 분야에 필요한 많은 도움을 제공하기 위해 잠재적으로 병약 한 병자를 재활시키기위한 노력을 계속했다. 은행은 운영의 역할을 할당 받았다. 산업 재건위원회 이사회 계좌 수 BIFR FY 16 회계 연도 동안 DRS 초안이 작성되었습니다 은행은 4 개 계좌에서 BIFR 운영 기관으로, BIFR에서 승인 한 1 건의 경우에는 16 번째 회계 연도에 재활 패키지를 시행했다. b. 채무 구조 조정 CDR. 컨소시엄하에 신용 공여 업체의 채무를시기 적절하게 재조정 다중 뱅킹, 투명 시스템은 CDR 시스템 하에서 형성됩니다. FY 16 기간 동안 R 38 38 crore의 미결 중 하나가 CDR로 재구성되었습니다. PNB는 84 개의 구조 조정 계정 중 18 개의 계정에서 모니터링 기관의 역할을 할당받습니다. c 부채 구조 조정 중소기업을위한 메커니즘. 은행은 이미 FY 2006 년 이후 CDR의 라인에서 중소기업 중소기업 DRM을위한 부채 구조 조정 메커니즘을 채택했다. 16 회계 연도 동안, 은행은 총 247 개의 10 억 달러 대출 잔고로 17 개 계정을 재구성했다. 일시적인 문제에 직면하고있는 잠재적으로 가능한 부대의 채무 재조정을위한 투명한 메커니즘을 마련한다. 중소기업을위한 BIFR CDR DRM에서 보상 할 수없는 경우에도 통제 범위를 벗어나는 요인 FY16 기간 동안이 범주에 속하는 R & D 1002 56 crore와 관련된 19 개의 계정이 재구성되었습니다. 디지털 PNB에 대한 디지털화. 은행은 계속되는 여러 가지 계획을 수행했습니다 고객에게보다 빠르고, 신속하고 효율적인 서비스를 제공하려는 노력이 이니셔티브는 현금이 부족한 사회와 페이퍼리스 뱅킹으로 나아가는 단계였습니다. E ​​1 대체 배달 채널. 인터넷 뱅킹 은행은 다음과 같은 인터넷 뱅킹 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 소매 인터넷 뱅킹 및 기업 인터넷 뱅킹 인터넷 뱅킹 인터넷 뱅킹 고객은 2016 년 3 월 31 일에 47 라크에 도달했습니다. 은행은 FY16 기간 동안 인터넷 뱅킹 서비스를 업데이트했습니다. 이 은행은 재사용 가능한 인터넷 뱅킹 모듈을 사용하여 더욱 간단하고 사용하기 쉬워졌습니다. 불필요한 경우 IBS 및 모바일 뱅킹의 트랜잭션 비밀번호 차단을 차단하는 PNB Sleep을 출시했습니다. Hot 직불 카드의 등록 및 개인화. 직불 카드의 핀 번호 온라인 초기화. IBS를 통한 PMJDY 계정을 통한 온라인 OD 신청. 인터넷 뱅킹 서비스 운영의 보안을 강화하기 위해 은행은 거래를위한 인증의 두 번째 요소로 디지털 서명을 구현했습니다 소매 및 기업 인터넷 뱅킹. b 모바일 뱅킹 은행은 또한 31 03 2016에 따라 약 24 lakh 고객에게 모바일 뱅킹 서비스를 제공합니다. 은행은 다음과 같은 모바일 뱅킹 서비스를 제공했습니다. i SMS 뱅킹 사용자는 미리 정의 된 형식 s. ii 브라우저 기반 모바일 뱅킹 이것은 GPRS 또는 Wi Fi로 활성화 된 휴대 전화가 필요합니다. 응용 프로그램 기반 모바일 뱅킹 사용자는 각 앱 스토어에서 앱을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 현재이 은행은 Android, iOS, Blackberry 및 J2ME 용 모바일 뱅킹 응용 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다 platforms. iv National Unified USSD 플랫폼 NUUP 이것은 모든 은행 마나를위한 공통 플랫폼 인 짧은 코드 99로 제공됩니다 FY2006 년 인도 은행 NPCI의 National Payment Corporation에 의해 제공되었습니다. 은행은 FY16 기간에 다음과 같은 기능을 추가했습니다. PNB MobiEase이 모바일 앱을 사용하면 다양한 문의 (예 : 잔액 조회, 미니 명세서)를위한 SMS 전송 구문을 기억할 필요가 없습니다. , Check Book request 등 부가 가치 서비스 모바일 및 DTH 재충전 기능은 모바일 뱅킹을 통해 제공됩니다. PNB ATM Assist GPS를 사용하여 은행의 ATM을 찾아 ATM의 기능과 관련된 불만 사항을 접수하는 모바일 앱 온라인 사용자 등록 및 비밀번호 모바일 뱅킹을 통해 PMJDY 계정 아래 OD에 대한 온라인 응용 프로그램을 제공합니다. PNB는 모바일 뱅킹의 힌디어 버전을 도입했습니다. CSM 경고 서비스 3 월 16 일에 약 3 개의 95 명의 고객이 SMS 경고 서비스에 가입했습니다. 평균 하루에 약 29 개의 92 lakh SMS 경고가 생성되어이 고객에게 전달됩니다. SMS 경고는 식별 된 거래 크레딧 d에 대해 생성됩니다. ATM, IBS, 모바일 뱅킹 및 POS 터미널에서 ebit을 수행 할 수 있습니다. 또한 생일, 모바일 등록 변경, 주소 이름 변경, 인터넷 뱅킹 거래 비밀번호 변경, 만기가되는 대출 분할 등과 같은 비 금융 활동에 대해서도 SMS 경고가 전송됩니다. FD 계좌 성숙, FD 계좌 성숙, NEFT N10 확인, UTR 번호와의 RTGS 거래, 부재 중 통화 잔액 등이 포함됩니다. 채널은 또한 은행의 제품 및 기타 서비스에 대한 정보와 같은 홍보 메시지를 제공하기 위해 활용됩니다. 은행은 고객을 존중합니다. 은행은 5 개의 지방 농촌 은행에서 시행 된 SMS 경고와 같은 새로운 기능을 지속적으로 추가했습니다. 필수 비 필수 기능 도입. 고객은 필수 및 비 필수 경고 중에서 선택할 수있는 옵션을 제공하므로 고객 의무적 인 경보 만 필요로하며, 요금이 부과되지 않을 수도 있습니다. 전화 센터에는 고객에게 보낸 SMS 경보 기록에 순서대로 액세스 할 수있는 기능이 제공됩니다 SMS 알림 및 OTP와 관련된 불만 해결 프로세스의 속도를 높입니다. CIBIL Watch Alert 경고는 PNB 대출 고객이 다른 은행에 대출하기 위해 CIBIL이 제공 한 정보를 통해 지사에 전달됩니다. Houding Car Loan Alert Alert는 고객에게 PNB 주택 자동차 대출 사이트를 방문하고 PNB에서 콜백 요청을 제출할 때마다 요청합니다. Cheque Presentment Alert Alert는 고객의 계좌에 수표가 제시 될 때마다 고객에게 보내지기 전에 응답 할 수있는 충분한 시간을 제공합니다 .15G 15H Alert Alert (경고 경보)는 세금 공제를 피하기 위해 15G H 제출을 요청하는 고객에게 발송됩니다. d ATM 은행은 31 03 2016과 같이 전국의 길이와 너비에 걸쳐 9463 개의 ATM이 연결된 광대 한 네트워크를 가지고 있습니다. ATM의 사용량을 늘리는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. E 기물 파손 및 강도의 발생을 제한하기 위해 ATM 사이트에 감시 시스템이 설치되었습니다. 31 03 2016, 6136 사이트가 E Surveillance에 연결되어 모니터 될 때까지. 전기 고장으로 인해 ATM의 가동 중지 시간을 줄이기 위해 Solar UPS가 설치 될 때까지 31 03 2016, 450 Solar UPS가 잠재적 현장에 설치되었습니다. 온라인 현금 지급기 (ATM) 모니터링 및 현금 자동 인출기 (ATM)의 경우 신속한 시정 조치를 취하기 위해 ESQ ATM 모니터링 시스템이 설치되었습니다. e 셀프 서비스 키오스크 은행은 PNB 현금 수납기 ATM, 383 전자 수표 예금을 포함한 1721 현금 예금 다기능 키오스크 기계 및 전국의 3214 패스 북 업데이트 장비 전자 로비에 설치된 기계는 고객이 이용할 수 있습니다. 24 7 고객은 편의성에 따라 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 셀프 서비스 영역 머신의 가용성을 향상 시키려면 실시간 모니터링 도구 효과적인 모니터링과 시간 단축을 위해 SSA 기계의 원격 모니터링을위한 시스템이 구현되었습니다. E ​​2 Check Truncation System CTS CTS Western Grid의 주요 사이트가 LCC Mumbai에서 Belapur로 이동되었습니다. 이제 Western Grid의 모든 지점이 CTS 비우기에 참여하고 있습니다 LCC Mumbai의 Belapur Siteplete 인프라를 통해 Western G의 Data Center Delhi 및 DR 사이트로 이동했습니다. 데이터 센터 델리에서 철폐됩니다. E ​​3 IT 보안 은행은 이사회가 승인하고 매년 최신 경향 및 우수 사례에 따라 최신 정보를 유지하도록 검토하는 정보 보안 정책을 운영하고 있습니다. 정보 시스템 보안 아키텍처 구현위원회 ISSAIC 회의는 매월 정기적으로 개최되어 정보 보안 체계를 검토하고 권고합니다. 웹 사이트가 WCAG Web Compatibility Access Guideline 버전 2로 변경되었습니다. 기업 웹 사이트는 IPV6 호환되었습니다. 보안 운영 센터가 RSA Envision에서 RSA Security Analytics로 업그레이드되었습니다. 정보 보안 감사 및 프로세스 감사는 외부 적격 정보 보안 감사인으로부터 주기적으로 수행됩니다. 범위에는 외부 공격 및 침투 테스트, 취약성 평가 및 침투 테스트 VAPT, WAN 감사 및 프로세스 감사가 포함됩니다. ISO 인증은 데이터 센터, NOC 및 DR 사이트를 위해 ISO 27001 2005에서 ISO 27001 2013로 업그레이드되었습니다. 비즈니스 연속성 계획 재해 복구 BCP DR. 은행은 긴급 사태시 중단되지 않는 고객 서비스를 제공하기 위해 BCP (Business Continuity Plan BCP)를 잘 정의하고 있습니다. 은행은 잘 정의 된 복구 시간 목표 RTO 및 복구 시점 목표 RPO를 통해 데이터 센터 및 기타 중요한 응용 프로그램의 완벽한 재해 복구 사이트 DRS를 운영합니다. DR 훈련은 기능적 준비 상태를 시험하기 위해 정기적으로 실시됩니다. DR 사이트는 3 월 16 일 31 일까지 중요한 업무를 포함하여 65 개의 응용 프로그램에 사용할 수 있습니다. E ​​4 기타 이니셔티브. 마이크로 ATM. PMJDY 계정 개설 드라이브에서는 많은 수의 저축 계좌가 개설 및 RuPay 직불 카드 발급 고객에게 카드 기반 거래 서비스를 제공하기 위해 Micro ATM의 개념이 Business Correspondent 위치에 도입되었습니다. Micro ATM은 기본적으로 자기 스트라이프 카드 판독기 및 암호화 된 핀 패드가있는 PoS 핸드 헬드 터미널 시스템입니다. Micro ATM을 통한 현금 인출 및 잔액 조회 거래의 기능 온라인 실시간 모드에서 트랜잭션이 발생하고 Micro ATM이 즉시 영수증을 발급합니다. 이 시설은 4410 Micro ATM에 생방송되었으며 은행은 나머지 브리티시 컬럼비아 주 위치. b 브랜치 현명한 공실 로커 상태 임대료를 확보하기 위해 고객은 etimes는 사용 가능한 빈 라커의 위치를 ​​확인하기 위해 특정 지회 방문 횟수를 만듭니다. 또한 같은 도시의 일부 지사는 비어있는 라커를 가지고있을 수 있습니다. 다른 사람들은 사물함 발행을 위해 대기자 명단을 기다리고있을 수 있습니다. 문제를 해결하기 위해 wef 24 09 2015, 기존 잠재 고객에게 지점 웹 사이트의 빈 사물함 위치를 알 수있는 기회가 제공되었습니다. 또한 은행의 웹 사이트에서 빈 사물함 상태를 매일 업데이트하기위한 메커니즘이 마련되었습니다. c PAO CDDO 파일 결제 시스템 PFMS 재무부, 인도 정부는 재무부 산하 PFMS를 통한 다양한 부처의 PAO CDDO 지불을 포함한 비 계획 납부와 같은 모든 지불을 처리하고 다양한 독립형 시스템을 통합하기로 결정했습니다. 이러한 지불은 디지털 서명되어 발송됩니다 PFMS 중앙 서버 PFMS의 지불 파일은 PFMS PAO 포털을 통해 처리됩니다. 전자 송장 생성, 스크롤 확인, Receipt Scrolls는 01 11부터이 시스템에 통합되었습니다. 15.d Outward Mandate Management System 고객의 의무를 기반으로 정기적으로 고객으로부터 자금을 수령하고자하는 법인 고객의 비즈니스를 축적하는 지점을 지원하기 위해 자체 개발 외부 위임 관리 시스템이 실제 실용화되었습니다 03 02 16 PNB 차용인의 위임에 따라 EMI를 수집하기 위해 차변 거래 파일 외향 시스템이 시스템을 통해 서비스 분기별로 ACB 차변을 생성 할 수 있습니다. e 새로운 Sparc Super Cluster M6의 구현 32. 서버 18 10 2015 년에 은행은 M9000 서버에서 4 노드 RAC의 새로운 Sparc 슈퍼 클러스터 M6 32 서버로 CBS 데이터베이스를 성공적으로 마이그레이션했습니다. RAC Real Application Cluster Architecture 이전 2 노드에서 RAC PNB는 인도에서 최초로 4 노드 액티브 RAC Real Application Cluster 설정이 구현은 향후 비용 절감과 다양한 운영상의 이점을 제공합니다. f Zero Data Loss Center ZDLC 은행의 ZDLC는 29 02 2016에서 작동하기 시작했습니다. ZDLC는 은행의 3 번째 데이터 보호 라인으로 작동합니다. 은행의 거래 데이터는 DC 및 ZDLC에서 동시에 캡처 된 다음 DR 사이트에서 복제되어 100 개의 동기화 또는 가용성을 보장합니다. 트랜잭션 데이터 이것은 중요한 트랜잭션의 데이터 손실을 제로화하여 조직이 운영 리스크, 명성 리스크를 줄이고 이해 관계자의 신뢰를 높일 수 있도록 지원합니다. F 경영 정보 시스템. MISD 관리 정보 시스템 사업부가 설립 된 목적을 달성하기 위해 전사적 데이터웨어 하우스 EDW는 2008 년에 구현되었습니다. EDW 설정을 통해 규제 법령보고 및 추가 분석에 필요한 데이터에 쉽게 액세스 할 수있게되었습니다. 이는 현장 기능자의 업무량을 상당 부분 감소 시켰으며, 최고 경영자가 적시에 의사 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 지원합니다. 바젤 III에 따른 신용 위험은 실현되었습니다. RBI의 지침에 따라 대출 증액과 관련하여 위험 가중 자산 RWA를 계산할 수있는 평가 보고서 시스템을위한 LADDER 대출 및 대출 데이터 데스크를 통해 제공됩니다. 모든 대출 계정의 데이터는 CIBIL, Equifax, Experian 등 4 개의 신용 정보 회사 CIC Ladder System Bureau의 월별 최고 점수 2012 년부터 한 가지 솔루션을 배치하여 지점이 신용 정보 보고서 CIR을 은행의 인트라넷 CBS 네트워크를 통해 신용 관련 결정을 내릴 수있게했습니다. 소비자 카테고리의 미래 차용인 14,62,493 명과 26,861 명의 차용인 상업 부문의 CIR은 FY16 기간의 CIBIL, Experian, High Mark Equifax 데이터베이스에서 가져온 것입니다. 은행은 공평한 모기지에 대한 세부 사항을 중앙 레지스트리에 등록해야합니다. 약 4 19 19 유동성 IP는 3 월까지 은행이 CERSAI에 등록했습니다 2016이 목적은 동일한 IP상에서 다중 재정을 피함으로써 fr의 범행을 방지하는 것이다. 여러 부동산 회사에 동일한 부동산을 저당 잡히고 청산합니다. 앤티 머니 로라이딩 솔루션은 다양한 워치리스트를 확인하여 고객 확보 및 자금 이체 시점에 고객을 조사하기 위해 구현되었습니다. 이 시스템은 FIU 및 다른 regulatory bodies. G Branch and Office Network. The Bank has one of the largest Branch Network of 6759 as on 31 03 2016 Around 63 of the Bank s branches are located in Rural and Semi Urban areas To fulfill the banking needs of unbanked areas, 202 new branches were added to the vast network of branches during FY 16 Besides, 32 Women only branches named Akshaya were opened during FY 16 These branches are managed exclusively by women for the women customers only. The Bank has its overseas presence in 9 countries by way of 4 branches 2 Hong Kong, one Dubai, one OBU Mumbai , 2 Subsidiaries London Bhutan , one Associate at Kazakhstan , one Joint Venture at Nepal and 4 Representative Offices S ydney Australia, Shanghai China, Dhaka Bangladesh and Dubai UAE. The Bank is also exploring possibilities of overseas expansion in Sri Lanka, Canada, Brazil, Australia and China. H International Banking. The Bank had registered a foreign exchange turnover of Rs 1,33,881 crore for FY 16 showing a decline of 2 08 on YoY basis mainly due to slowdown in global economies and continuous decline in the country exports At present, the Bank has more than 200 branches authorised to handle foreign exchange business and a Centralized Back Office for Trade Finance at New Delhi specialized for centralized handling of trade transactions The Bank has specialized International Banking Branches at major export centres for extending services to the importer exporter customers Besides these Authorised Dealers AD branches, the Bank has 22 Exchange Bureaus at important tourist centres to facilitate encashment of foreign exchange currency notes travellers cheque by foreign tourist NRIs. The Bank is also having I nternational Service Branch at New Delhi for handling inward remittances for the Bank as a whole During FY 16, the Bank handled remittance business of about Rs 57,886 crore, showing growth of about 4 on YoY basis. The Bank has Rupee Drawing Arrangements RDA with 38 exchange Houses 32 in the Gulf, 2 in Singapore, 2 in the USA, 1 in Australia and 1 in Canada to facilitate remittance from NRIs. The Bank also has web based remittance arrangements under Money Transfer Service Scheme MTSS and has arrangements with 6 Money Transfer Organizations Worldwide. The Bank has actively implemented Gold monetization Scheme GMS launched by Government of India in FY 16 and systems and procedures have been put in place. I Operations Division. Organizational Restructuring Organizational structure plays a vital role in performance of any organization To improve the productivity and hence delivery, number of Circle Offices has been increased from 69 to 76 Existing 3 tier structure, with Circle Offices linking he ad office to the branches, is being changed to 4 tier structure where Zonal Offices will monitor the performance of Circle Offices and report to the Head Office. Business Processes Business processes are being continuously reworked at the micro levels to provide seamless banking experience to customers e g request issue of personalized cheque books through ATMs, relaxation in inter sol branch cash withdrawals and transfer transactions, introduction of payee s name in SMS sent on presentation of cheque for clearing, etc. Employee Suggestion Scheme To encourage innovative and progressive ideas through employees, Employee Suggestion Scheme is in vogue for existing as well as retired employees. Customers can also send suggestions through feedback or email to customer care centre at. J New Initiative Division. To improve the customer service and increasing business prospects, the Bank took up many initiatives which are as under. Towards brand positioning and connecting with the customers visitors on social media, the Bank has made its presence on Twitter LinkedIn On social media, the Bank launched various facilities for customers visitors viz regular updates on offers, customer care services including grievances redressal, etc. The concept of Digital village was evolved under which the village will be wi fi enabled along with OffSite e lobby having ATM, Cash Deposit Machine, Electronic Cheque Deposits Machine, Passbook Updation Machine, PC with internet connection and TV display unit. 121 new Offsite e lobbies started at institutional and cantonment areas to acquire business and improve service delivery. Skill development programmes like computer literacy, carpentry, advanced farming techniques etc are being conducted with focus on creating job opportunities and promote inclusive growth. For bringing more efficiency in the ATM functioning and profitability, ATM Profitability Model was designed This is in house designed software to monitor the functioning of ATMs Pan India with an aim to minimize eliminate the pay out. In order to communicate effectively with its customers and staff continuously, the Bank is coming out with concept of Reach in Reach out which will be akin to TV Channel. The Bank is also planning to launch Tab Banking for acquisition of new customers using the newly set up marketing vertical and PNB YUVA for youth with an objective to bring them in the Bank s fold through Mobile app. K Business Diversification. Mutual Fund The Bank is distributing and marketing Mutual Fund products of Principal PNB AMC UTI AMC During FY 16, the Bank mobilized total amount of Rs 3457 crore and Asset under Management stood at Rs 580 crore which earned brokerage of Rs 3 38 crore Total amount mobilized during FY 16 was Rs 2653 crore and Asset under Management Rs 515 crore.1 Life Insurance Business As a corporate agent of PNB MetLife India Insurance Co Ltd the Bank mobilized premium of Rs 964 crore Fresh Business Premium of Rs 411 crore Renewal Business Premium of Rs 553 crore during FY 16 from 1,12,200 policies, as against total premium of Rs 677 crore mobilized during FY 15, thus showing a growth of 42 The Bank s earnings from Life Insurance business during FY 16 amounted to Rs 85 crore as against Rs 60 crore during FY 15, showing growth of 42.Total business mobilized under Life Insurance business since inception is Rs 2840 crore, from 4,45,048 policies and total earning amounted to Rs 248 crore.2 Non Life Insur ance Business Under Insurance tie up with Oriental Insurance Co Ltd for Non Life Insurance business, the premium collection amounted to Rs 208 crore from 5 15 lakh policies mobilized by the Bank, which earned revenue of Rs 24 51crore as against Rs 21 87 crore, during FY 15 showing a growth of 12 Premium collected during FY 15 was Rs 193 crore from 4 40 lakh policies, thus showing a growth of 8 The Bank registered a growth of 31 in selling of customized health insurance policy PNB Oriental Royal Mediclaim and 1,58,175 policies were sold during FY 16 as against 1,20,797 policies sold during FY 15. Depository Services Depository Services as Depository Participants of NSDL CDSL is being provided through all branches covering more than 3500 centres across India The Bank earned an income of Rs 79 60 lakh during FY 16 for providing Depository Services. Online Trading Services Online trading facility is also being provided through the Bank s associates viz M s SMC Global Securities Ltd M s IDBI Capital Services Ltd and M s Networth Stock Broking Ltd An income of Rs 19 81 lakh was received from these associates on account of online trading activities during FY 16. Merchant Banking As Category I Merchant Banker, the Bank handled 42 assignments of Dividend Payment Interest Payments during the FY 16 and earned a float income of Rs 2 95 crore. Being Self Certified Syndicate Bank SCSB , Applications Supported by Blocked Amount ASBA facility for submitting of application in public issues IPO FPO Right Issue has now been made available from all the branches of the Bank This facility is also available online to Bank s CASA account holders both retail and corporate IBS users ASBA facility is also available for Syndicate Sub syndicate Members of SEBI. During FY 16, the Bank collected applications for Rs 812 crore for 93 assignments handled by the branches. Credit Card Credit Cards of the Bank have consolidated its market share during the year The Bank achieved a growth rate of 35 32 in issuance of cards during FY 16.The Bank also introduced Chip cards with PIN and One Time Password OTP to facilitate e commerce transactions To enhance customer awareness about security aspects, various steps are being regularly taken including sending text messages to cardholders of the Bank. Issuance activity has become an independent profit centre Profit from the activity increased to Rs 524 lakh during the year and contributed to fee based income. Merchant Acquiring Business Merchant Acquiring Business through installation of Point of Sale PoS GPRS Terminals and Integration of Internet Payment Gateway Debit Credit Cards launched in February 2010 has completed 6 years The Bank installed 13,699 PoS terminals and integrated 176 Internet Payment Gateways. RuPay Card The Bank has taken membership of National Payment Corporation of India NPCI for acceptance of RuPay Debit card on PNB Point of Sale terminals Now, in addition to acceptance of cards having logo VISA or MasterCard Maestro, PNB POS terminals accept RuPay Debit card for all face to face transactions. KAIRON Project of Punjab Govt for Grain. Procurement PUNGRAIN, a food grains procurement agency of Punjab Government has launched Kisan Arhtia Information and Remittance Online Network KAIRON project whereby they are making payments to the farmers through Arhtiyas using RuPay Debit cards with the help of National Payment Corporation of India NPCI. The Bank actively participated in the project and has done a business of Rs 4150 crore as Acquiring Bank and Rs 2111 crore as Issuing Bank during FY 16. Bhamashah e Mitra Project The Bank successfully participated in e Mitra Project of Rajasthan Government and succeeded in obtaining the Project, whereby the Bank is going to install 10000 PoS terminals Service Level Agreement SLA was signed and process of implementation has since started. Multi level EMI facility in PoS terminals At present, PoS terminals of the Bank are not customized with Multi Level EMI facility In the present scenario, many customers prefer to avail EMI facility The Bank is going to start the Multi Level EMI facility on the PoS terminals. Draft Agreement relating to it has been sent to M s Worldline for the purpose of execution. Launch of NFC Contactless Dual Interface debit. card The Bank is going to introduce NFC Near Field Communication technology in PNB PoS terminals In NFC enabled PoS terminals, the card holders can make payments by just waving his card near the PoS terminal instead of dipping or swiping the card. L Government Business. To bring in effi ciency in pension disbursement, we have provided the following facilities. Introduced Digital Life Certifi cate DLC and e PPO which is a step towards digitization and error free pension delivery system. Approved CPPC at Allahabad for entire army pensioners. Set up service centres for pensioners, e g for armed forces at Allahabad, for naval personnel at Mumbai and air force personnel at Delhi. Created exclusive e mail IDs and so that pensioners of these wings of armed forces can post their grievances references. Sending reminders through SMS to pensioners to submit life certifi cate. Organized Aadhaar seeding Camps across India for convenience of pensioners and updated Aadhaar Mobile numbers in their pensioner data. The Bank introduced Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Kisan Vikas Patra Scheme and on line opening of PPF accounts. These products are made available through 5990 SOLS of our Bank. The Bank started 20 new projects for receipt and payment of Govt dues The Bank established relationship with State Governments for VAT collections in all States except in North Eastern, J K, and Goa. For increasing efficiency in cash management, the Bank has made action plan to set up Mega Currency Chest Cash Processing Centre and reducing the number of Currency chests from 195 to 109 in phased manner. Govt Business Income for FY 16 stood at Rs 102 99 crore compared to Rs 84 92 crore in FY 15 Claims lodged in Jan 16 for Rs 11 67 crore with SBI EPFO RBI which pertains to FY 16.M Treasury Operations. During the period under review, Gross Investment as on 31st March 2016 stood at Rs 1,54,727 crore as againstRs 1,49,266 crore as on 31st March 2015 and registered a YoY growth of 3 66 The average investments as on 31st March 2016 was Rs 1,62,855 crore as against Rs 1,41,340 crore in corresponding period last year The Interest income from investment portfolio increased from Rs 10,563 crore for FY 15 to Rs 11,935 crore for FY 16 The Bank actively traded in sovereign bonds, Non SLR bonds and equity throughout the financial year The liquidity position of the Bank was comfortable throughout FY 16 and the funds were managed through CBLO, Repo and Forex market swaps The Bank complied with all the requirements of CRR SLR stipulated by the Regulator. Fixed Income SLR NSLR FY 16 started on a bearish note on the back of unfavourable global factors like Grexit Greece exit from Euro , China s devaluation of its currency and fear of US FED hike In September Monetary policy, the regulator announced a rate cut of 50 bps following which yields softened by around 25 bps along with SLR and HTM c ut However, market could not sustain at these levels and yields hardened on account of excess supply in the market mainly in State Development Bonds and expected supply of DISCOM bonds under scheme Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana UDAY This huge demand supply mismatch along with fear of Government not sticking to its fiscal consolidation path and expectations of higher Government borrowing numbers further put pressure on the yields However, Budget announcement gave a big respite to the market as Government stuck to its fiscal deficit target and borrowing numbers came much below the market expectations. After the Union Budget 2016 17, 10 year benchmark yields softened by around 40 bps During FY 16, the Bank booked trading profit of Rs 418 63 crore profits from sale of investments in Fixed Income. Equity During FY 16, Markets declined around 9 and Nifty corrected from its high of 9116 Mar 15 to low of 6825 Feb 16 due to Global events like Fed rate hike, China market sell off, Yuan devaluation , falling crude prices and weak Corporate earnings However, Markets have shown some recovery after Budget as Government stuck to its Fiscal Defi cit roadmap On Global front, dovish stance of Fed and renewed FIIs buying supported the market sentiments Indian Equity Market has been relatively resilient during this period compared to other Major Emerging Market Economies because of its strong fundamentals and domestic consumption story The Bank booked Rs 204 crore Trading Profit in Equity segment and Dividend income increased to Rs 115 50 crore in FY 16 from Rs 95 70 crore in FY 15.Forex There has been an increase in Forex Income Expenditure due to changing accounting policy Now the income expenditure on swaps is being reposted on gross basis instead of net as was being done previously Net Forex income has increased from Rs 681 50 crore as on March 2015 to Rs 1319 60 crore as on 31st March, 2016 showing an increase of 93 63 mainly on account of deployment of surplus of liquid fund by way of short term loans in Dollar Market However, Exchange Profit decreased from Rs 397 72 crore in March 2015 to Rs 385 98 crore in March 2016.N Customer Care. The Bank continued to accord top priority to providing prompt and efficient service to its customers for FY 16 also The Bank formulated a Grievance Redressal Policy Efforts were made to redress the grievances of the customers within the framework laid down in the Grievance Redressal Policy. Systems and procedures for the grievances redressal mechanism are reviewed at regular intervals to remove systemic deficiency, if any, which help in further improving the customer service. Initiatives undertaken during FY 16 for improvement in customer service. The Bank introduced an On line Grievance Redressal Management Program called Centralized Grievance Redressal Management System CGRMS Customers can lodge their requests complaints in the CGRMS through the Bank s website, Internet Banking Service and Mobile Banking Service Complaints received at Head Office, all the Circle Offices and over 1,862 SAP enabled branches are entered in CGRMS Through this system, the customer gets an immediate automatic acknowledgement and can keep a track of his complaint also. The position of complaints received by the Bank is reviewed by a Sub Committee of the Board on quarterly basis The meetings of the Sub Committee are presided over by Managing Director and CEO All the Executive Directors, Directors representing Offi cers Association, Ministry of Finance and the shareholders Directors are members of the Sub Committee and General Managers of selected business and control Divisions are permanent invitees to the above committee The above committee held four meetings during FY 16 and reviewed the position of complaints received by the Bank and also complaints received by Chief Customer Service Officer Internal Ombudsman on quarterly basis. The Bank also constituted The Standing Committee on Customer Service , which is chaired by the Executive Director with General Managers of several business and control Divisions of the Bank The committee also has three eminent non executives one senior citizen one pensioner one woman representative drawn from the public as members The committee meets every quarter to evaluate feed back on quality of customer service received from various quarters The committee also reviews comments feed back on customer service and implementation of Code of Bank s Commitments to Customers received from BCSBI The Standing Committee on Customer Service held four meetings during FY 16. Customer Service Committees have been set up in all the branches and Circle Offices to look into the quality of customer service rendered and to critically examine the feedback suggestions for improvement in customer service These committees meet once in a month where staff and the invited customers interact freely on servi ce related issues Two nominated non official members representing customers are invited in the Circle Level Customer Service Committee Meeting on quarterly basis. The Bank has established state of the art Contact Centres at Gurgaon and NOIDA to provide tele banking services to its customers on 24 x 7 x 365 basis through two renowned Service Providers In addition to these two Primary Sites, the Bank also established two Secondary Contact Centres at Mangalore and Bhopal to provide tele banking services to its customers in 5 regional languages besides Hindi and English. The Bank constituted teams of officials at Customer Care Centre at Head Office, Circle Offices and Zonal Offices to pay incognito visit to branches to assess their standard of service During FY 16, officials of the Bank made 4205 incognito visits to branches Pan India Deficiencies pointed out by the visiting officials are being shared with the concerned branch and the Circle Offi ce for taking corrective steps for removal of the same This helps in further improvement in customer service. Theme Based Meetings are conducted at monthly intervals in all branches on a common date on a pre decided. Themes, details of which are provided by Customer Care Centre, HO to improve awareness of field staff about the Bank s products and services and to sensitize the staff about the issues of utmost importance as well as the changes taking place in the industry and the Bank. The Bank is publishing a monthly magazine titled Customer Speak in which selected complaints filed by customers and the action taken and resolution provided to the complainants are also mentioned Letters issued by customers appreciating the service of officials of the Bank are also published in this magazine Besides, the Bank s guidelines on important issues pertaining to customer service, products and services are highlighted in this magazine for the benefit of field staff. Due to various initiatives taken by the Bank to improve the customer service, the number of complaints received during FY 16 came down to 29,654 as compared to 29,759 complaints received during FY 15 Out of total number of 29,827 complaints, i e 173 complaints outstanding as on 1st April 2015 and 29,654 complaints received during FY 16 29,610 complaints were resolved as at 31st March 2016 The number of complaints pending as on 31 03 2016 was 217 which have since been resolved. No award has been passed by any Office o f the Banking Ombudsman during FY 16.O Implementation of Official Language Policy. The Bank has been leading in the area of implementation of Official Language and achieved almost all the targets in all parameters fixed by the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Official Language for FY 16 All the bilingual CBS and HRMS computers are under Hindi Interface. By adopting this bilingual system, implementation of Rajbhasha is increasing In addition, the Bank is using Unicode fonts for Hindi correspondence at all levels. During FY 16, the Bank has been awarded with more than 50 awards for its excellent performance in the use of Hindi which includes some of very significant awards namely Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar First in A region a top most award scheme of Govt of India, RBI Rajbhasha Shield Competition First in A region and Second in B region and other Regional level awards of Ministry of Home Affairs In addition, Town Official Language Implementationmittees situated in different locations of the country and other Non Govt Organizations have also awarded the Bank offices. The Bank is successfully convening the Town Official Language Implementation Committees constituted by Govt of India in Delhi, Bharatpur, Kanpur, Chandigarh, Dharamshala, Sriganganagar, Bulandshahar, Dehradun, Gorakhpur, Kurukshetra, Rohtak, Muzaffarnagar, Hoshiarpur, Hamirpur and Bathinda. The Draft and Evidence Committee of Parliament on Official Language inspected Ernakulam Circle on 9th January, 2016 and the third sub committee of Committee of Parliament on Offi cial Language visited Bharatpur circle on 15th February, 2016 The Committee not only expressed satisfaction but also appreciated the efforts made by the Bank for progressive use of Hindi. The Bank celebrates Hindi Maah in the month of September every year Various competitions are organised at all India, local and Circle levels in which staff members of all cadres participate enthusiastically The winners are awarded with pri zes in the Rajbhasha function The Bank has its own Lala Lajpat Rai Rajbhasha Shield Yojana for its various HO Divisions, Circle Offi ces, Training Centres, Zonal Audit Offices, etc Under the scheme, every year, offices are awarded with prizes for doing excellent work in the area of Rajbhasha implementation. This year also, the Bank organised Hindi Maah and other programmes competitions and awards and prizes were given. Sixth collections of articles received in the competitions on writing namely PNB Pravah Ek Aur Kadam has been published Under Moulik Hindi Pustak Lekhan Yojana of the Bank, cash incentives were awarded to staff members for writing original books in Hindi on Banking and Non banking subjects. All the staff members, working in the Bank or retired from bank services, can participate under this scheme. P PNB s Subsidiaries and Regional Rural Banks a PNB Housing Finance Limited PNBHFL. The housing finance industry continues to be very competitive and has given excellent growth over last few decades Inspite of a very challenging year, the Company has achieved its highest ever loans disbursements and profitability On the basis of total loan assets, Company is now ranked 5th largest Housing Finance Company HFC The Company is also ranked the 2nd largest deposit taking housing finance company The Company has earned this distinction in a short span of five years since starting. Business Process Re engineering project through a PPP model. To keep pace with its rapid expansion in business, which require huge Tier I capital, the Company has started the process of getting itself listed towards the end of 2nd quarter of FY 17 The Company will shortly come out with its initial public offer which will be in the vicinity of Rs 2500 crore. The Company sanctioned 43,040 loan applications worth Rs 23,011 crore Annual growth in sanction number 59 and sanction amount 53 Loans worth Rs 14,456 crore were disbursed Annual growth of 53 The loan book of the Company reached Rs 27,177 crore Annual growth of 62 and Assets Under Management reached at Rs 27,555 crore Annual growth of 59 The Deposits of the Company reached Rs 7,115 crore Annual growth of 45.The Company earned Total income of Rs 2697 crore which grew by 52 on YoY basis Operating Profit for the year increased by 76 to reach Rs 588 20 crore Further, Profit before tax for the year was at Rs 503 09 crore Annual growth of 70 and Profit after tax was Rs 326 47 crore Annual growth of 66.Total loan delinquencies were 1 48 of End Period Net Receivables ENR , which is the best in the industry Gross NPAs were Rs 59 81 crore i e 0 22 of ENR and Net NPAs were Rs 38 06 crore i e 0 14 of ENR during FY 16.The Company has achieved Net Interest Margin NIM of 3 08 , Return on Total Assets RoA of 1 45 and Return on Equity ROE of 17 08 The Company had faced tough competition on interest rates from peer HFCs and commercial banks The Company has managed good NIM through efficient funds management and resource planning During FY 16, the Company has achieved the distinction of raising Rs 500 crore of Green Bonds through IFC Washington for promoting green housing projects in India. The Company was felicitated for Outstanding Contribution to CSR at the CREDAI Conclave 2015 by Hon ble Union Minister Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy The Company was also awarded the Housing Finance Company of the Year at the 8th Annual Real Estate Summit and Awards hosted by Franchise India and ET Now The Company was honoured for its IT transformation journey by EMC Corporation in an event held in partnership with Cisco, VM Ware, etc. b PNB Gilts Limited. During FY 16, the yields on Government securities trended down, with the ten year benchmark yield moving down to 7 46 as on 31st March 2016 as against previous year close of 7 74.Though the yields on point to point basis declined, the market remained highly volatile with the yields moving up for major part of the year This was despite an accommodative stance by RBI with a cut in repo rate of 75 ba sis points Inflation was well contained and Current Account Deficit was comfortable with a slump in global prices of oil and gold Internationally too, the major economies like Euro zone, China, Japan were on an easing path whilst USA raised the rates. The main reason for this directional mismatch was the demand supply gap in the government securities and enhanced supply of normal State Developmental Loans The uncertainty hanging over the issuance of UDAY bonds also weighed heavily on market Further, despite accommodative Monetary Policy stance, RBI kept the system liquidity in deficit mode with average liquidity deficit of more than rupees one lakh crore It was only from February end onwards, with the completion of Government borrowings and aggressive OMO purchases by RBI that this demand supply mismatch was reversed This was further aided by the fiscal deficit pegged at 3 5 for FY 17, reduction in small savings rate, lower retail inflation and a positive early expectation of a normal m onsoon Accordingly the yield on 10 year benchmark Government security which opened the year at 7 74 , touched a high of 7 99 and closed the year at 7 46.Against the backdrop of extreme volatile market conditions, the Company managed to post a Profit Before Tax of Rs 51 47 crore as on 31st March 2016 The Company fulfilled all its obligations as a Primary Dealer in both primary and secondary markets The total outright turnover stood at Rs 3 76 lakh crore, whereas, the total Networth of the Company rose to Rs 731 22 crore as on 31st March 2016 from Rs 718 06 crore as on 31st March 2015.c Punjab National Bank International Limited PNBIL. Financial Year 2015 16 was a year of consolidation for the PNBIL During the year, PNBIL adopted holding business strategy with increased focus on strengthening the Corporate and Risk Governance frameworks PNBIL also endeavoured for revision in various Credit Risk, Capital and Liquidity Management policies. In order to demonstrate effective 3 Lines of Defence , PNBIL has revised its Corporate Governance structure, appointed Chief Risk Offi cer CRO , Chief Finance Officer CFO and Company Secretary PNBIL created revised structure of the various committees including Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Credit Approval Committee, Risk and Compliance Committee, Credit Risk Oversight Committee PNBIL has also created a separate Credit Monitoring and Recovery Department for the effective management of stressed assets. This is the ninth year of operations for PNBIL and it achieved a total business figure of 2,834 million Operating Profit for FY 16 amounted to 38 26 million as against 41 49 million in FY 15 Decrease in operating profit was mainly on account of reduced treasury income by 4 35 million. During FY 16, total lending stood at 1,476 million as compared to 1,555 million in 2015 Net Interest Income has shown improvement which increased by 2 90 million signifying better margins Net trading income decreased by 4 19 million due to market rate mo vements. Expenditure increases were due to the PNBIL upgrading its governance and control environment and investing in systems to enable it to meet the increasing regulatory challenges faced by all banks. Many of the PNBIL s customers have been adversely affected this year by the slow economic growth in India, the delay in flow of funds to the much awaited infrastructure projects and the global slowdown This has resulted in increased gross impaired advances to 144 99 million 82 53 million in 2015 necessitating the need for the PNBIL to take a higher level of impairment provisions. In addition to this, PNBIL took the opportunity to further finetune its impairment recognition and provision methodology resulting in an additional impairment provisioning of 71 85 million The net impaired advances have accordingly reduced from 47 03 million in 2015 to 36 37 million in 2016.PNBIL is the first among Indian Bank subsidiaries branches that launched tax saver Cash ISA product and Contactless Master Debit card, which are one of the most popular products of the PNBIL Strategic integration, parental support, continuous innovation, customer centric approach, niche positioning and competitive advantage in its targeted customer base are the key strengths PNBIL is enjoying in UK PNBIL has its own dedicated treasury at London and a back office in India PNBIL is complying with all regulatory and capital adequacy guidelines of Prudential Regulation Authority of UK Offering basic banking products and relationship banking continues to be the strong selling point for the Bank PNBIL has built a strong brand image in the UK market. d Punjab National Bank Investment Services Limited PNBISL. PNB Investment Services Ltd PNBISL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Punjab National Bank The Company commenced its operation on 8 6 2009 The Company has its offices at Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad. The Company is engaged in providing Merchant Banking and Corporate Advisory services like Financi al Appraisal, Techno Economic viability Study, Debt Syndication and Corporate Debt Restructuring besides providing Trusteeship services. During FY 16, the Company earned fee based income of Rs 7 51 crore with a total income of Rs 10 93 crore as against a fee of Rs 11 13 crore and Rs 14 53 crore respectively for FY 15 Profit Before Tax during FY 16 stood at Rs 6 11 crore as against Rs 10 70 crore for FY 15.There has been an improvement in the revenue generated from the Merchant Banking and Trusteeship segments during FY 16.However, due to the withdrawal of the regulatory forbearance by RBI for restructured loans with effect from 1st April 2015 and general economic downturn and no major CAPEX projects coming up, there was a drop in business in CDR and syndication business Hence, the overall revenue of the Company declined in the FY 16.With the introduction of alternate debt resolution mechanism through flexible restructuring and strategy debt restructuring scheme, the Company has taken in itiatives and started working in the segment to enhance its revenue. Primary Capital Markets segment is witnessing a revival and the Company keeping pace with the development in this segment has bagged a couple of IPO assignments and is hopeful of creating its visibility and increase its revenues in Merchant Banking segment. The Company hopes for a better and improved industrial environment in the country to bag more business in Merchant Banking, Credit Appraisal and Debt syndication segments, thereby significantly enhancing its revenues. e DRUK PNB Bank Ltd Bhutan. The Subsidiary completed 6 years of successful operations in 2016 registering a growth in total business from Rs 967 55 crore as at 31 3 15 to Rs 2344 81 crore as at 31 03 2016 In terms of customer base also, the Subsidiary achieved encouraging results with number of accounts surpassing 90,000 mark as on 31st March 16, an increase of over 17 over last year Net Profit increased to Rs 21 76 crore during FY 16 from Rs 10 71 crore during FY 15.The Subsidiary not only registered satisfactory business growth, but also maintained the quality of assets and liabilities much better than the Industry average Gross NPL estimated at over 10 The retail deposit base of the Subsidiary, which is considered to be stable deposit, is above 81 of the total deposits, while the performing advances are 96 of total advances. f Regional Rural Banks RRBs. At present, five RRBs are sponsored by the Bank These RRBs are operating in five States, namely, Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh covering 74 districts with a network of 2301 branches. The aggregate paid up capital of these Regional Rural Banks stood at Rs 199 30 crore Central Government, State Governments and PNB contributed in paid up capital of these RRBs in the ratio of 50 15 35, respectively The Bank s contribution towards capital of these RRBs was Rs 69 76 crore The combined networth of RRBs as on 31st March 2016 was Rs 2929 crore. During the year, the agg regate business of all RRBs increased from Rs 45,630 crore in FY 15 to Rs 52,133 crore in FY 16 showing an increase of Rs 6503 crore YoY growth 14 25 The aggregate deposits and aggregate advances as on 31 03 2016 stood at Rs 33,492 crore YoY growth 14 72 and Rs 18,641 crore YoY growth 13 42.The aggregate Net Profit of the RRBs as on 31 03 2016 stood at Rs 320 crore All PNB sponsored RRBs were in Profit The Gross NPAs of the RRBs increased from Rs 692 crore to Rs 764 crore 4 10 of Total Advances during FY 16 During FY 16,157 new branches were opened by RRBs, taking the total network of Branches to 2301 with all being on CBS and total numbers of employees were 8714 The figures pertaining to FY 16 are un audited. Progress in opening of accounts under PMJDY as on 31 03 16 stood at 32,99,189 accounts, out of which RuPay debit cards were issued in 22,86,660 accounts Balance outstanding in these accounts was Rs 653 70 crore Total number of accounts having zero balance as on 31 03 2016 stood at 1,63,750.The RRBs sponsored by the Bank are actively participating in economic development of the areas of their presence With the implementation of Core Banking Solution CBS , rural customers are also getting benefit of latest technology thus providing services to the rural poor under Financial Inclusion Plan at their doorsteps. RRBs are also opening NRE NRO accounts The facility of Micro ATMs, RTGS, NEFT, RuPay ATM cards KCC cards, KIOSK Banking Solution KBS under FIP, Aadhaar Payment Bridge System ABPS under DBT etc is also being provided to customers in all the RRBs. Q Awards and Accolades. During FY 16, in recognition of its performance and initiatives, PNB received various awards, some of which are. Golden Peacock National Training Award 2016 by Institute of Directors. Social Banking Excellence Awards 2015 under Rural Banking Category Large Bank by ASSOCHAM. Best Bank Award for PMJDY Large Bank Winner of Banking Excellence Awards 2015 by CIMSME. ABP News Brand Excellence Awards 2015 under Banking Financial Services and Insurance Category by CMO Asia with World Marketing Congress. Inspiring Work Place Awards 2015 under the category Best HR and Talent Management Practices by The Banking Frontiers. Agriculture Leadership Award 2015 by Agriculture Today Group. FICCI CSR Awards 2014 by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry FICCI. Skoch of Merit Award for the project Transaction Monitoring System for internet banking with OTP and adaptive authentication. R Future Business Plan of the Bank. The Bank has been realigning its business strategies to the changing macroeconomic scenario Despite unfavourable macroeconomic condition, the Bank was able to maintain good operating profit and efforts for healthy Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio CRAR in FY 16 Speeding up the recovery of bad loans, increasing qualitative credit and garnering capital are going to be the focus areas for the Bank in the coming financial year 2016 17.Apart from that, the Bank would focus on augmenting fee based income and mobilizing CASA current account, savings account Deposits on sustainable basis With increased competition, it is important to guard market share in low cost CASA deposits and retail credit The Bank will work towards anticipating growth opportunities first and move fast to tap the opportunities Hence, bettering customer service and marketing of products services will be the key growth enablers for the Bank. Digitalization is an area where the Bank will lay sharp focus on an ongoing basis It will not only reduce operating cost but also improve customer service Hence, the Bank will take measures to move towards a Super Smart Bank and the Bank for the Gen Next. The Bank will continue to lay emphasis on lending to Priority sector, MSME and promoting Financial Inclusion as it traditionally does Digitalization of Business Correspondent BC network, improving automation of MSME loan processing will also be focused upon in FY 17.It is expected that the business environment in the economy will improve and demand for credit from the Bank will increase in H2 FY 17 The reform measures adopted by the Government to transform India, boost infrastructure, create self employment, promote Micro Industries and Housing will prove beneficial for the Bank The development of industrial corridors, manufacturing zones and smart cities w ill further boost investment climate of the country Along with these, Make in India, Startup India, Housing for all by 2022 will create financing opportunities for banks With improvement in the credit demand, the bank will also take measures to meet the Capital requirement under the Basel III Hopefully, FY 17 will turn out to be the year of Growth Strength for the Bank. S Board Of Directors. As on 31 03 2016, there were 11 Directors on the Board of the Bank including 4 whole time Directors i e One Managing Director CEO and three Executive Directors During FY 16, the following changes took place in the composition of Board of Directors. Mrs Usha Ananthasubramanian was appointed as Managing Director CEO of the Bank w e f 14 08 2015. Shri Gauri Shankar completed his tenure as Executive Director due to attaining the age of superannuation as on 31 03 2016. Shri Prem Narain and Ms Hiroo Mirchandani were appointed as Shareholders Directors on the Board of the Bank for a period of three years w e f 02 05 2016 However, Shri Prem Narain ceased to be Director on the Bank s Board w e f 29 08 2015 due to resignation. Shri Rajinder Mohan Singh was elected as Shareholders Director on the Board of the Bank for a period of three years w e f 01 07 2015. Shri Sudhir Nayar, was elected as Shareholder Director on the Board of the Bank w e f 19 12 2015. Shri Tara Chand Jhalani, Workmen Employee Director completed his tenure on 07 03 2016 on the Board of the Bank. The Board wishes to place on record its appreciation for the valuable contribution made by Shri Gauri Shankar, Executive Director, Shri Prem Narain and Shri Tara Chand Jhalani, Directors. T Directors Responsibility Statement. The Directors confirm that in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year ended March 31, 2016.The applicable Accounting Standards have been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures, if any. The accounting policies, framed in accordance with the guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India, were consistently applied. Reasonable and prudent judgment and estimates were made so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Bank at the end of the financial year and of the profit of the Bank for the year ended March 31, 2016.Proper and suffi cient care was taken for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws governing banks in India, and. The accounts have been prepared on the principle of going concern basis. The Board expressed thanks to the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchanges, Bank s customers, public and the shareholders f or valuable support, continued patronage and confi dence reposed in the Bank. The Board wishes to place on record its appreciation for the valuable contribution made by the members of the Bank s staff at all levels and look forward to their continued involvement in achieving the future goals. For and on behalf of Board of Directors. Managing Director CEO. BIGGER BETTER service BEST experience. PNB Online Quick Tools. Regular System Maintenance Advisory. Please be informed that PNB is conducting a series of regular system maintenance activities for the whole month of March This may cause intermittent availability of ATM and Mobile Banking services You may perform your financial transactions and bills payment at the nearest PNB branch. Please be assured that we are taking all necessary steps to minimize disruption during the said period. For concerns, you may contact PNB s Customer Care at 632 573-8888.Thank you for your continued patronage. PCHC Check Image Clearing System CICS Advisory. Please be informed that the Philippine Clearing House Corporation PCHC has started the processing of electronic images of checks using the Check Imaging Clearing System or CICS Here is a quick guide to help you Click here for more details. Notice on Dormancy Fees. Effective May 1, 2017, PNB shall apply new rules on dormancy fees pursuant to BSP Circular No 928 Amendments to the Regulation Governing Fees on Retail Bank Products Services and Dormant Deposit Accounts Click here for more details. PCHC Check Image Clearing System CICS Advisory. Please be advised that starting January 19, 2017, all locally drawn and inter-regional clearing items shall be sent directly to the Philippine Clearing House Corporation PCHC There will be no more local exchanges of physical checks per PCHC memo circular No 3278 on December 29, 2016 Please click here for more details. Notice for PhilHealth Payments. Effective February 20, 2017 Monday , PNB branches will no longer accept over-the-counter payments for Philippine Heal th Insurance Corporation PhilHealth Click here for more details. IMPORTANT ADVISORY. To All Valued PNB Clients. In compliance with BSP s requirement to shift to EMV chip-based cards, PNB shall start replacing your old ATM Cards to the new and more secured EMV chip-enabled ATM Cards for free before the end of December 2016 Click here for details. For more information on the EMV Chip Technology, please click here. Electronic Banking Consumer Security Awareness Tips.- Always make sure that you are accessing the correct website Beware of bogus or look alike websites which are designed to deceive consumers Remember that the legitimate PNB website address is.- Always use the official Apple App Store, Google Play or Microsoft Store to download online or mobile apps Do not trust 3rd party app marketplaces. Information Security Awareness. Online Shopping started to grow following technological advances and has become a more preferred method of purchasing Such growth and advances also results in variou s security concerns that must not be taken for granted. The day after Thanksgiving is more than just a day to digest yesterday s feast It is also the first official day of the holiday shopping season known as Black Friday Cyber Monday on the other hand, is the Monday after thanksgiving wherein people are persuaded to shop online Black Friday and Cyber Monday are both associated with bargains, early store hours and Christmas shopping Many savvy shoppers and bargain-hunters look forward to the thrill of shopping on those days Unfortunately, thieves also anticipate this busy season as they look to turn unaware shoppers into Black Friday and Cyber Monday victims. The Bank provides these safety tips for Black Friday and Cyber Monday -- including this year s holiday shopping.1 Secure yourself Before surfing the Internet, secure your personal computers by updating your security software Everyone s computer should have anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-spam software, as well as a good firewall i nstalled Keep your personal information private and your password secure Do not respond to requests to verify your password or credit card information unless you initiated the contact Legitimate businesses will not contact you in this manner.2 Transact with a reputable website merchant seller Shop with companies you know and trust Check for background information if you plan to buy from a new or unfamiliar company.3 Trust your instincts When in doubt, don t Beware of bargains from companies with whom you are unfamiliar if it sounds too good to be true, it probably a fraud.4 Ensure that online payment is secure and reliable Use secure websites for purchases Look for the icon of a locked padlock at the bottom of the screen or in the URL address.5 Do your research do comparison shopping and ask around To avoid purchasing counterfeit products, carefully examine the products you want to buy for signs of missing information manufacturing information, warranty, product codes, etc , broken or missing safety seals, different or incomplete packaging, and subtle or obvious changes to a company logo.6 Proceed with your transaction if you feel confident, safe and secure Online shopping need not be a struggle, it should be enjoyed as long you feel confident, safe and secure There is much to explore on the internet. Always remember caveat emptor buyer beware As a consumer, whether in the physical or online environments, you must remain vigilant, meticulous and discerning It is highly important to be wary of online fraud to avoid the ardous process and inconvenience of recovering any damage. Sources Department of Trade and Industry Department of Justice - Office of Cybercrime. Debit FDR Check Deposit - PHP 200 check FDR Return Check - USD 30 check FCS Check Deposit - USD 40 check FCS Return Check - USD 40 check. IMPORTANT ADVISORY. To our valued clients. Starting March 21, 2016, no interbranch fees shall be collected from the following over-the-counter banking transactions.- Deposit - Wi thdrawal - Check Encashment - Fund Transfer. Please note that foreign currency accounts are not included. Thank you for your continued patronage. Budget Checking Account Advisory. To our valued clients. Effective June 15, 2016, branches shall start collecting Php 50 00 for every over-the-counter withdrawal using a withdrawal slip from a Budget Checking Account. Thank you for your continued patronage. At PNB, we are here to serve You First. Notice to the Borrowing Public. Republic Act No 9150, creating the Credit Information Corporation CIC , and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, mandate the submission and disclosure of basic credit data both positive and negative , as well as any regular updates or corrections thereof, to the CIC. For more information please contact your bank, credit card company, cooperative or your lending institution listed under RA 9510 You may also visit and like our facebook page Credit Information Corporation. Non-Acceptance of Checks with Erasures, Alterations, or D eficiencies. Starting January 4, 2016 all clearing banks and institutions shall no longer accept checks with erasures, alterations, or deficiencies whether or not these checks are countersigned by the authorized signatory ies. This is in compliance with the Clearing House Operating Memo CHOM No 15-460 as amended by 15-460A of the Philippine Clearing House Corporation PCHC issued this memorandum to all clearing banks and institutions in order to further improve security measures in the handling and clearing of checks. BSP Demonetization Schedule of Old Banknotes. The exchange of old banknotes New Design Series in banks and the BSP is extended up to March 31, 2017 The said banknotes will have no more monetary value starting April 1, 2017.Only the new banknote series, launched in 2010, can be used for daily transactions starting April 1, 2017.Notice to the Participants of PNB Prestige Balanced Fund and PNB Peso Intermediate Term Bond Fund. We wish to inform you of the change in the performance benchmark of the PNB Prestige Balanced Fund and PNB Peso Intermediate Term Bond Fund For more information, please click here. Notice to Allied Unit Performance AUP Dollar Fund Clients. As part of the product rationalization initiatives of PNB Trust Banking Group, we wish to inform you that we shall be terminating the Allied Unit Performance AUP Dollar Fund effective May 03, 2016 Said termination has been approved by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas on March 14, 2016 For more details, please click here. Deposit Board Rates. Please be advised of the changes in deposit board rates of Dollar Time Deposit and Prime Savings account The changes shall take effect on January 1, 2014.Fees and Charges. Please be advised of changes in our fees charges maintaining balance requirements given the need to align the same following the merger of PNB and Allied Bank last February 2013 The changes as applicable shall take effect on January 1, 2014.Internet Banking. Effective May 8, 2014, we are implementing a n ew added security feature for your Funds Transfer transaction to a 3rd party account A One-Time Password OTP which consists of 6 alpha numeric characters will be sent via SMS to your registered mobile number to complete your transaction Kindly ensure that your mobile number is updated with us for you to be able to perform funds transfer transaction to a 3rd party account. To update your mobile number. Clients based in the Philippines may download the maintenance form and personally submit it to your branch of account together with one 1 valid ID. Overseas clients may download the maintenance form and submit it together with a photocopy of any valid ID directly to your branch of account through regular mail. Thank you for using PNB Internet Banking. Bank Merger. As PNB and Allied Bank continue to align their services We are pleased to announce that PNB branches that display the interbranch transaction advisory are now capable of processing selected transactions for former Allied Bank clients Please proceed directly to the special lanes designated for Allied Bank transactions. Important Advisory. Please be advised of the updated card validity for all newly issued MasterCard-branded Debit and Prepaid cards effective July 27, 2016 Click here for details. Foreign Exchange. How to Enroll, Invest and Redeem with PNB UITF Online. Banking Security Reminders. Latest News. Products and Services.

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